As new computers are added to the network, you'll need to map the network drives on the new computers. This process can be eased by running a VBScript to automatically do the drive mapping. Below is an example script that I use to do this. You can modify the "Actions" to add or remove mapped network drives, in case you have multiple drives mapped, or need to do some mapping clean up.
Just save this code in a file with a .vbs extension, modify it for your needs, then double-click it from Windows Explorer to run it.
' Map network drives ' Usage ' Set the size of the ADrive, ARemoteShare, and AAction arrays to ' be the number of drive mapping actions you want to take. Modify ' the "Actions" in the "Fill Actions Array" section below, save, ' then double-click on this file from Windows Explorer to run it. ' ' "Actions" can be "Remove" (removes/disconnects a mapped network ' drive), or "Add" (adds a mapped network drive, replacing whatever ' mapping exists for the same drive letter). ' ' For multiple "Actions", modify the array sizes below, then fill ' the array entries as shown in the "Fill Actions Array" section below. ' ' This script will remove any existing drive map to the same drive letter ' including persistent or remembered connections (Q303209) ' ' from: ' modified by Peter De Baets 12/28/2011 Option Explicit Dim objNetwork, objDrives, objReg, i, objDrive, fileSys Dim strReplaceDrive, strLocalDrive, strRemoteShare, strShareConnected, strMessage Dim bolFoundExisting, bolFoundRemembered Const HKCU = &H80000001 Dim J '****************************************** '* Set the size of these arrays to the number '* of drive mapping actions you want to take. '* Dim ADrive(2) Dim ARemoteShare(2) Dim AAction(2) '* '****************************************** '****************************************** '* Fill Actions Array '* (make your changes here) '* ' Example 'ADrive(1) = "X:" 'ARemoteShare(1) = "\\Servername\Share" 'AAction(1) = "Add" ' Action #1 ADrive(1) = "X:" ARemoteShare(1) = "\\MyServer\MyShare" AAction(1) = "Remove" ' Action #2 ADrive(2) = "Z:" ARemoteShare(2) = "\\MyServer\MyShare" AAction(2) = "Add" '* '****************************************** Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") for j = 1 to ubound(AAction) ' Check parameters passed make sense If Right(ADrive(j), 1) <> ":" OR Left(ARemoteShare(j), 2) <> "\\" Then wscript.echo "INvalid Action #" & j & " //NoLogo" WScript.Quit(1) End If if AAction(j) = "Add" then wscript.echo " - Mapping: " + ADrive(j) + " to " + ARemoteShare(j) Else wscript.echo " - Disconnecting: " + ADrive(j) + " from " + ARemoteShare(j) End If Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") ' Loop through the network drive connections and disconnect any that match strLocalDrive bolFoundExisting = False Set objDrives = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives If objDrives.Count > 0 Then For i = 0 To objDrives.Count-1 Step 2 If objDrives.Item(i) = ADrive(j) Then if AAction(j) = "Remove" Then set objDrive = fileSys.GetDrive(objDrives.Item(i)) if objDrive.ShareName = ARemoteShare(j) then strShareConnected = objDrives.Item(i+1) objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive ADrive(j), True, True i=objDrives.Count-1 bolFoundExisting = True Else wscript.echo " - Drive " + ADrive(j) + " connected to " + ARemoteShare(j) + " not found. Continuing..." End if Else 'wscript.echo " sharename=" + objDrive.ShareName strShareConnected = objDrives.Item(i+1) objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive ADrive(j), True, True i=objDrives.Count-1 bolFoundExisting = True End if End If Next End If ' If there's a remembered location (persistent mapping) delete the associated HKCU registry key If bolFoundExisting <> True Then Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") objReg.GetStringValue HKCU, "Network\" & Left(ADrive(j), 1), "RemotePath", strShareConnected If strShareConnected <> "" Then objReg.DeleteKey HKCU, "Network\" & Left(ADrive(j), 1) Set objReg = Nothing bolFoundRemembered = True End If End If if AAction(j) = "Add" then 'Now actually do the drive map (persistent) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive ADrive(j), ARemoteShare(j), True End If Next 'Error traps If Err <> 0 Then Select Case Err.Number Case -2147023694 'Persistent connection so try a second time On Error Goto 0 objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive ADrive(j), True, True objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive ADrive(j), ARemoteShare(j), True WScript.Echo "Second attempt to " & AAction(j) & " map drive " & ADrive(j) & " to/from " & ARemoteShare(j) Case Else On Error GoTo 0 WScript.Echo " - ERROR: Failed to " & AAction(j) & " map drive " & ADrive(j) & " to/from " & ARemoteShare(j) End Select Err.Clear End If Set objNetwork = Nothing wscript.echo "Done. "